
What You Should Look for Universities Abroad besides Rankings

A university ranking is an important factor to decide whether a university is excellent or not and whether students should study there. There are international rankings by some well-reputed institutions to score and rate universities and colleges across the world. For giving scores and rating those colleges and universities, the ranking institutions rely on several metrics to understand universities and transfer those data into score numbers.

The World University Ranking offers five different metrics for their judgements on universities. Those metrics are such as “Teaching”, “Research”, “Citations”, “International Outlook” and “Industry Income.” For the QS World University Ranking, it does depend on six measurements including “Academic Reputation”, “Employer Reputation”, “Faculty/Student Ratio”, “Citation per Faculty” and lastly “International Faculty Ratio/International Student Ratios.”

Even though, the rankings are helpful assistances for you to look for qualified higher-learning institutions; these standardized rankings are generic ones and not yet customized to different conditions of students. Moreover, they are broad and not subject to particular fields or majors. Without further hesitations, we are bringing you to the six qualities for higher-learning institutions you should look for besides their rankings.



Locations include many factors. Those factors are such as weathers, well-connected transportation systems and costs of livings. Weathers are an important factor in locations because you don’t always want to study at those highly ranked universities yet with rough weathers. The weathers should be sunny for most of the time, so it is convenient to plan your trips or just for the chilling time on your campuses.

Furthermore, it is also about those transportation systems. Some colleges and universities despite their high ranks are at distant areas where transportations to urban areas and airports are far and expensive. It is thus challenging for some of you who want to travel and take a break or two from studying. You cannot just rely on bikes you rent from schools for travelling around. Can you?

Although, you want your universities or colleges to be very well-connected; you should also consider the costs of livings. In highly urban areas, the costs of accommodation and foods are pricey. Sometimes, it can cost you an arm and a leg just to get by at those metropolitan cities. You get a privilege of living in cities where many activities are going on, and transportations are within a mile or two, yet you need to spend much a lot as well.

  1. Weather should be warm and sunny most of the time
  2. Locations should be at hotspots with well-connected transportation systems
  3. Costs of livings should be relatively low and affordable


College or University

There are differences between colleges and universities. Colleges are small and cover few programmes. Furthermore, they often offer an associate’s degree for students who can spend two years to earn the degree. Students can also take diploma courses which are more concentrated on your majors. Both associate’s degrees and diplomas are beneficial for students who want to get jobs fast. Companies don’t have a tendency to hire university students in their second or third years to the jobs besides offering internships to those students.

Regardless, it is different for those who have certificates for diplomas or associate’s degrees. Students with those certificates can take up entry-level and routine jobs that enable them opportunities to advance into senior positions. Students can do so right after two years of studying; although, colleges or community colleges often rank lower than universities in almost all university ranking systems. Students can still pursue Bachelor’s degrees after earning their certificates.

No matter what, some of you are well-supported by your families and are in no rush to get some jobs right there. Therefore, you should pursue a Bachelor’s degree that can take you between three and four years to accomplish. The degrees are often broad in the first and second years with many subjects helpful to broaden your perspectives but irrelevant with the demands of those industries.

  1. Associate’s degrees or diplomas concentrated on specific majors
  2. These certificates for students who want to get jobs fast
  3. Well-supported students choosing Bachelor’s degrees


Specific Majors

Top-tier universities such as Ivy League often check almost all boxes for majors offered by their universities. However, different from world-class universities, many averaged universities don’t score high in overall, but they are very specialised in particular majors with highly qualified teaching personnel, strong research institutions and well-connected networks with industries.

Students, as a result, should do some internet researches for your preferred majors at your favourite universities. You can also seek for a consultancy for studying abroad because they have expertise with regards to this matter. It can be very helpful as they know a lot those universities that are exceptional with some college majors, and those other universities that rank high in overall yet are averaged in your favourite college majors.

  1. Some overall rankings don’t mean specialisation in particular majors
  2. Students doing internet researches to understand more
  3. Students seeking for consultancies abroad who have expertise



There is no doubt some universities don’t rank high in several ranking systems, but they do have one of the most beautiful campuses in their countries or worldwide. The campus should be an essential consideration for students. Some students who study abroad sometimes stay in dorm rooms or apartments as parts of their campuses. As a result, the campus environment dominates their lives for almost their entire stays in those foreign countries.

Some universities than rank low have modern dorm rooms and apartments with cheap or affordable rents. They can also have those largest and well-supported libraries. Otherwise, some universities than rank high can have poor cafeterias. Moreover, the whole campuses of some low-ranked universities can be very beautiful with green spaces and friendly people as well. Therefore, the campus is a very necessary indicator for your choosing to study elsewhere abroad; even though, the indicator is not included in those ranking systems. For more knowledge about specific campuses, there is no way besides asking for questions from study consultancies who have great knowledge in the field.

  1. Modern & affordable dorms/apartments in some campuses
  2. Campus environment dominates almost your entire stays
  3. Cafeterias, green spaces and friendly people are important
  4. Seek for consultancies abroad for deep understanding


Social Activities

Some low-ranked universities can have ones of the best student services available in their countries. It is about student bodies that you can participate and become members to earn experience and upgrade your résumé. Additionally, it can be very fun engaging and participating in those extra-curricular activities. You don’t get bored studying all the time. Some other times, studying doesn’t occupy your whole schedule when you need something to do. As a result, volunteering or participating in extra-curricular activities offered by student service in your universities are beneficial.

Furthermore, it opens a door for more opportunities. You can access firstly information about your colleges because you need to represent your schools and have rounded knowledge about what is going on at your universities. You can well connect with faculty members and ask them to help you when you don’t understand particular courses. Believe it or not, some of those outstanding faculty members can be your long-term mentors who are going to guide you through your studying and working journey.

  1. Low-ranked universities can have the best student services
  2. Students should participate in those student bodies
  3. A chance to earn experience and update your curriculum vitae
  4. Get to know a lot about what’s going on at your colleges
  5. Receive academic and career supports from faculty members


Post-Programme and Alumni Network

Many universities have no communications with their students right after their graduations. There are no further activities; although, those schools are very engaging when you are their students. You should do researches on the Internet whether some of your favourite colleges or universities have outstanding post-programme activities and well-supported alumni network or not. Students don’t just want to finish their learning when they complete their education.

Those post-programme activities can be career training and alumni events that offer alumni opportunities to upgrade their skills, get Master’s degree opportunities and connect with people from other sectors. As a result, it is important to check over or seek a consultancy for study abroad to get an insight about your favourite schools.

  1. Do researches whether your preferred schools having post-programme activities
  2. Career training and alumni events excellent for upgrading skills & connect with people
  3. Check with consultancies for study abroad for this insight knowledge


What Should You Get from the Article?

In this article, you understand that when a university ranking can be a helpful tool for you to choose your universities, it is not everything that you can look into for your preferred schools. There are some other important considerations such as locations, college or university, specific major, campus, social activities and post-program activities & alumni networks. For further questions, you can contact WEduAbroad for insight about specific colleges and universities. It is free to consult with us. Therefore, please feel free to pay a visit to the 9th Floor, B-Ray Tower, Phnom Penh (map here) or contact us via phone call 017 548 354. You can also visit our facebook at:





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