
5 Popular Destinations for Cambodian Students to Study High School

Cambodia’s high-school education is improving during recent years. Regardless, our high school education system doesn’t match with many developed countries yet. Consequently, we encourage Cambodian parents who can afford and Cambodian students who want to study with quality of education to consider studying high-schools abroad.

Those Cambodian students can come back or continue for higher education and return to contribute their knowledge to our country. For Cambodian parents and students who are wondering what countries students should go for high-school educations, there should not be a wonder because there are five absolute countries that are highly qualified for high-school educations.

Below are the top five popular destinations for Cambodian students to study high-schools overseas.


Australia is attractive for a high-school destination because the country has strong toleration for differences and diversity. There should not be a worry for Cambodian students to just get by and hang out with Australian and other international students. 7.3 million Australians were born abroad, in 2018. That proves the country a tolerant one for diversity. Meanwhile, there are large Cambodian communities in Australia who can be supportive of Cambodian students when studying abroad.

Australia’s education is a standard one because the country has the national qualification framework to regulate and assure standardized and highly-qualified education for the country. Plus, English is a mandatory subject at Australian high-schools. Cambodian parents can be confident that your children can improve English fast studying in Australia. Lastly, Australia is close to Cambodia compared with the United States and the United Kingdom. This is for caring parents because you can fly to visit your children with an average flight time between Australia and Cambodia only 7 hours and ten minutes. You can also check out 5 Reasons that Make Australian High-Schools a Top Choice for Cambodian Students

New Zealand

It is smart to consider New Zealand’s high-schools especially the private ones. Cambodian students who study high-schools in New Zealand enjoys sports spaces, computer facilities, school events and more. That can be a bonus for those of you who study at private schools. Furthermore, the English language is one of New Zealand’s official languages. Cambodian students enjoy standard English language living and studying in New Zealand. You can learn Maori and sing language which are other official languages of the country’s as well if you have time.

Meanwhile, Cambodian students can enjoy a peaceful country when both natural and urban areas are intertwined. One-third of New Zealand’s lands are protected areas when Cambodian students can visit many places such as lakeshores and boiling pools of muds. You can see New Zealand’s national dolphins and sea lions that are unique species only in New Zealand. Plus, it is good for those of you who enjoy independent learning because New Zealand encourages independence among its students. Lastly, you can find the Kiwis uniquely friendly and genuinely supportive. There, therefore, shouldn’t be a doubt over where to study because you can go to study high-schools in New Zealand. Explore more about High School in New Zealand here.


Singapore is a brilliant country for high-school education. Singapore ranked second across the world for the PISA assessment in 2018 which tested international students their performances in reading, science and math. As a result, Singapore is ahead of many developed countries such as Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, etc. What’s more, the country is close to Cambodia. There should not be a worry for Cambodian parents who want to visit their children in Singapore. The average flight time is only 2 hours and six minutes.

Besides, Cambodian students can study STEM subjects by applying real-life applications and address real-world problems. If it is not enough, we recommend your children or Cambodian students study at Singapore’s private or boarding schools because those schools offer curtailed arts courses that can be your favourites. Singapore’s weather is similar to Cambodia because both countries are in the tropical region and affected by monsoon weathers. Meanwhile, Singapore is a hub for businesses that Cambodian students can find opportunities to do a light internship when English is one of the other four official languages of Singapore’s. Discover further about High School in Singapore at: High School in Singapore, Ideal Option for Cambodian Student

The United Kingdom

Cambodian parents who send your children to study high-schools in the United Kingdom have made a wise decision. The UK has one of the best education systems in the world. For secondary education, there are two stages including stage 3 and stage 4 that includes a variety of good courses such as computing, technology, design, foreign language, citizenship, humanities, tech, etc. These courses and the exceptional curriculum design prepare Cambodian students for the UK’s prestigious General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE. The GCSE certificates are highly recognised across the world.

Additionally, our students can enjoy great facilities such as extraordinarily fast Internet speed, laboratories, athletic tracks, swimming pools and football pitches which are offered in the same campuses Cambodian students are studying. Besides, English is a core course that includes academic writing and vocabulary. Furthermore, Cambodian students are learning British English that is a highly recognised variant of English across the world besides American English. You get to travel, study in a diverse environment and experience the UK’s society that is one of the most developed and a global financial hub. Want to know more about UK High School? Check out 6 Main Reasons Why Cambodian Students Should Consider High Schools in the UK

The United States

Everyone knows that the United States is a powerful country. The US’s high-school education system enjoys an outstanding place in the global ranking as well. First, there are many top high-schools of the world based in the United States. We should know all the top 10 boarding schools of the world are based in the US. Additionally, you can participate in varied extra-curricular activities. You can play sports such as football, baseball and basketball. Meanwhile, you can join debate clubs or dancing clubs. Cambodian students can volunteer for social goods too.

What’s more, English is a core course across all US high-schools. Studying English courses prepares Cambodian students for high scores in TOEFL IBT and many other English tests that are required for admissions to the top or all US colleges and universities. If you are smart, you can communicate directly and participate in activities hosted by your preferred or favourite universities or colleges. Your participation and communication increase your chances of being selected to those top universities. You can keep in mind that there are five universities of the world’s top 10 universities which are located in the United States. Study high school in the US will help you to join some of the elite universities: US High-Schools as a Pathway to US Top Universities for Cambodian Students

What Should You Get from the Article?

Cambodian students start to understand the top five destinations for students to study high-schools abroad. Those countries or destinations are such as Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries have their own uniqueness that fits differently for different students. We should not, therefore, judge one country against another for qualities of education and other advantages offered differently by those destinations.

Lastly, we encourage you to seek consultations from us WEduAbroad the Cambodia-based consultancy for study abroad with free-of-charge consultation services. You can visit us at the 9th Floor, B-Ray Tower, Preah Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassak Commune, Chamkamorn District, Phnom Penh (map here) or contact us via phone call 017 548 354. You can also visit our facebook at: to take a quick look at what we have been doing so far. We are always ready to help, and we wish you and your children all the best.



































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